Return of the Sloth!! Bushman Prank 2022!!

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16 Jul 2022

What up bush fam?! Miss me?! I'm back and I brought my baby sloth friend with me. My friends son called him Sloppy the Sloth and it kind of stuck so say hi to Sloppy! I filmed this over multiple days during the Fiesta and another weekend on the Riverwalk in San Antonio, Texas. Look closely and you can see a waterfall and boats passing by in the background. Shoutout to the boat captains who would stop and let the riders watch the show! They would come up and tell me I was the best part of the tour!

I'm back to my regularly scheduled programming so stay tuned for lots more!! Still catching up with editing and will still be filming every week like normal!

Hope everyone has enjoyed their holiday and a special shoutout to my Mother Anita aka "Queens4 real" who is always in the comments supporting EVERY SINGLE VIDEO! Happy Mother's day to you!!

Also a special shoutout to my dad who's birthday was yesterday, Love you pop and glad you taught me do as I do and not as I say!

Still working on launching my families upcoming online coffee business. Hopefully you all will enjoy it as we are putting blood, sweat, and tears to bring you the BEST COFFEE you can buy!

Be Good!

Hope, Purpose, Opportunities, Persistence & Determination


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