Say Goodbye to Love handles with This Exercise | Get Rid of Side Fat!!

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Juan Benítez
Juan Benítez
11 Oct 2023

Say Goodbye to Love handles with This Exercise | Get Rid of Side Fat!!
To lose love handles, you need to focus on reducing overall body fat through a combination of diet and exercise. Here are some exercises you can take:

00:05 Twisting Crunch
00:52 Lying Crunch Through Legs Abduction
01:49 Lying Elbow to Knee
02:36 Lying Elbow to Knee (the other side)
03:33 Alternate Heel Touchers
04:20 Russian Twist Plus
05:17 Side Plank
06:04 Side Plank (the other side)

#sidefat #lovehandles #workout #workoutchannel

We endearingly refer to them as love handles. Or maybe you prefer to call it your muffin top. Either way, excess fat sitting on the sides of the torso is tough to lose.

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