6 consejos para el mejor sexo anal (sin manchar)

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28 Dec 2023

Lo que dicen las malas lenguas, es que el sexo anal es “sucio” y “antigiénico" pero se puede tener una práctica segura, placentera y satisfactoria, siempre y cuando se realice de forma adecuada. Te damos 6 consejos para no manchar y tener el mejor sexo anal.

00:00 Consejos para evitar manchar en el sexo anal
00:44 Lavado anal o enema
01:16 ¿Qué dice la ciencia sobre el enema?
02:18 6 tips para prevenir fugas
02:33 Preservativo
02:50 Lubricante
03:04 Ducha
03:20 Toalla y baño
03:35 Salud digestiva
04:00 Analizando el ano


Carballo-Diéguez.,A. Lentz, C. Giguere, R., Edward, J., Fuchs., Craig, W., Hendrix. (2018). Rectal Douching Associated with Receptive Anal Intercourse: A Literature Review. Aids and Behavior, doi: 10.1007/S10461-017-1959-3

Grov, C., Westmoreland, D., Carneiro, P. B., Bauermeister, J. A., & Carrico, A. W. (2021). Getting Clear About Rectal Douching Among Men Who Have Sex With Men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 50(7), 2911-2920. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-021-01933-w

Habel, M. A., Leichliter, J. S., Dittus, P. J., Spicknall, I. H., & Aral, S. O. (2018). Heterosexual Anal and Oral Sex in Adolescents and Adults in the United States, 2011-2015. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 45(12), 775-782. https://doi.org/10.1097/OLQ.0000000000000889

Joshua, G., Rosenberger., Debby, Herbenick., B, Van, Der, Pol., David, S., Novak., M, Reece., J, D, Fortenberry. (2011). O2-S4.06 Exploring enema practices among men who have sex with men in the USA: implications for sexual health. Sexually Transmitted Infections, doi: 10.1136/SEXTRANS-2011-050109.90

Peiyang, Li., Tanwei, Yuan., Thomas, Fitzpatrick., Kumi, M, Smith., Jin, Zhao., Guohui, Wu., Lin, Ouyang., Ying, Wang., Kechun, Zhang., Yiguo, Zhou., Meijuan, Li., Dahui, Chen., Linghua, Li., Weiping, Cai., Yong, Cai., Huachun, Zou. (2019). Association between rectal douching and HIV and other sexually transmitted infections among men who have sex with men: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sexually Transmitted Infections, doi: 10.1136/SEXTRANS-2019-053964

Plewka, A., & Haak, D. (2022). Anal dyspareunia – biological and psychosocial correlates of painful anal intercourses in population. Psychiatria Polska, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.12740/PP/OnlineFirst/145891

Syed, W., Noor., B., R., Simon, Rosser. (2014). Enema Use among Men who have Sex with Men: A behavioral epidemiologic study with implications for HIV/STI prevention. Archives of Sexual Behavior, doi: 10.1007/S10508-013-0203-0

Syed, W., Noor. (2013). Enema use among men who have sex with men: A behavioral epidemiologic study with implications for HIV/STI prevention.

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